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Award Winning Writer Bri Lee on Art, Sex, Power and The Work

Lally has invested everything into her gallery in Manhattan and the sacrifices are finally paying off. Pat is a scholarship boy desperate to establish himself in Sydney’s antiquities scene. When they meet their chemistry is instant…fighting about art and politics is just foreplay.

The Work is the debut novel from award winning author and journalist Bri Lee which will make you laugh, sweat and ask you difficult questions about the intersections of art and love. 

It’s a pivot for the non-fiction writer who you may know for her breakthrough memoir Eggshell Skull, her manifesto Beauty and skewing of privilege and education in Who Gets To Be Smart. 

RTRFMs Danielle Raffaele sat down with Bri in the studio to chat all about the novel and what happens when art and commerce collide. 

The Work is published by Allen and Unwin.

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