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Citizen Science Project Set To Investigate Personalised Web Results

When you use a search engine, do you see the same results as your colleagues, friends, or family do?

If not, why is that?

Which topics do search engines suggest to you and other users?

With Internet search engines being integral to our daily lives, the Australian Search Experience Project has called for crowdsourcing from citizens currently residing in Australia, to lend their search engine activity, and conduct analysis on how the personalisation of search results correlates to misinformation and a limited basis for individual decision making.

On The Record presenter Fiona Bartholomaeus is joined in the studio with the leader of the project and media scholar Professor Axel Bruns from the QUT Digital Media Research Centre.

Together they discuss why the Project was established and developed, the inner workings behind search engine operations, and the ultimate goal of the experiment.

On The Record – The Australian Search Experience (25:08:2021)

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