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CURRENT: Fundraiser and Open Calls

Current will be hosting an opening and fundraiser event on September, 22. Current is housed in the former substation of the Naval Store in Walyalup.

“CURRENT is a creative and artist-run place. CURRENT aims to host a range of programmes that are experimental, innovative, test new ideas, extend existing artistic practices and engage with contemporary artistic discourse.”

The event will feature local artworks for sale to support the operation of the place, all income will be reinvested in art residencies and paid exhibition opportunities.

Current will also be holding two open calls in search for two types of programming: Site-Specific Residency and Show: Exhibition or Project– these are two paid opportunities to invite proposals from all creative practitioners.

Nina Juniper and Will Ek Uvelis join Bec Bowman on Artbeat to discuss new gallery space, Current.

Nina Juniper

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