Grace Chow on ‘The Comprehensive A-Z of Missing Persons Australia’
Each year 55,000 people go missing in Australia and this figure is growing.
Most of those who are reported missing are found within a short period of time, but thousands are not. Mysteries swell and closure never comes. Why do so many Australians go missing? Do they want to be found? And why do young people make up a disproportionate number of those missing?
‘The Comprehensive A-Z of Missing Persons Australia‘ is an exploration of the quiet crisis of Missing Persons, created by Grace Chow.
The relevance to young people demands that the story is told by a young playwright, performed by a large youth ensemble while being commissioned, produced and presented by the State’s youth theatre company, WA Youth Theatre Company.
A cast of ten WAYTCo youth members aged 18 to 26 work with Grace Chow and WAYTCo’s Artistic Director, Amelia Burke in this production to address this unspoken crisis.
‘The Comprehensive A-Z of Missing Persons Australia‘ is on at The Liberty Theatre from November, 19-30.
Maxxi May chats with the writer, Grace Chow about the world premiere production of the play, ‘The Comprehensive A-Z of Missing Persons Australia‘ on Artbeat.