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New Theatrical Adaptation by Humphrew Bower

Actor, director and writer, Humphrew Bower has adapted the Seminal Australian novel, ‘An Imaginary Life‘ by David Malouf for the stage.

Humphrew Bower was amongst the award-winning creative team that was ‘The Apparatus‘ and ‘The Golem‘.

In the adapted ‘An Imaginary Life‘, Humphrew Bower will be starring in the play himself alongside live musician, Pavan Kumar Hari.

An Imaginary Life is about the Ancient Roman poet Ovid living in exile on the edge of the Black Sea, and his encounter with a ‘wild child’. He teaches the child to speak and learns about the latter’s connection to nature and life.

An Imaginary Life will be held in the historic Moores Building Art Space on July 16-19, with the audience seated in close proximity around the performers.

Humphrew Bower joins Maxxi May on Artbeat to discuss the new theatrical adaptation.

Humphrew Bower

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