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Pick A Pod: Beautiful Anonymous & Australian Birth Stories with Guest Selector Jenny Miraudo (Ep 22)

For the month of March our Pick A Pod guest selector is Jenny Miraudo.

Danae and Taylah receive a schooling on the history of podcasts, and the skills they provide to students too. And that makes total sense, Jenny is an educator and trains teachers to deliver podcasting information for the English Teachers Association of WA.

This week Jenny brings two new recommendations, starting with Beautiful Anonymous. One hour long conversations between host Chris Gethard and a total stranger, nothing is off limits as it reveals the true art of conversation and compassion too.

The trio also dive into Australian Birth Stories, a podcast focused on telling the stories of pregnancy and childbirth in a candid and compelling conversational style.

You can always keep up to date with Pick A Pod every Tuesday morning on Breakfast with Taylah and listen back to past episodes here.


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