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Regional Artist of the Month of June: Alexia Parenzee

Alexia Parenzee is Regional Arts WA‘s Artist of The Month for June.

The Regional Arts WA’s Artist of The Month is a program helping to recognise artists by sharing their work to a wider audience.

Alexia Parenzee is an award-nominated soulful roots artist, with strong South African roots.

In 2021, Alexia started her music debut with ‘Creed and Colour’, performing across metro and regional WA.

February of this year, Alexia released her debut 5-track EP ‘Retrospect‘. One of the five tracks is, ‘Blue’, which was recently shortlisted for the Australian Songwriting Prize (Top 100), and charted on the AMRAP regional charts. With the rising success of the EP, Alexia and her band will be touring the northern WA’s regions in July through to September.

Artist of the Month Regional Arts WAAlexia Parenzee chats with Danae Gibson on Artbeat ahead of her upcoming tour.

(Photo by: Kym Jefferies)

Alexia Parenzee

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