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The West Australian Pulse 2024

Each year, the Art Gallery of WA (AGWA) opens the gallery to display the artworks of Year 12 visual arts graduates.

The West Australian Pulse celebrates 32 years and features 60 works by 2023 students from 36 schools across WA.

This year’s exhibiting artists examine universal themes and pressing issues such as consumerism, environmentalism, misogyny, connections to family and culture, body and social pressures and aspirations.

“The selected works provide a window into young people’s private, social and artistic concerns. It is an inspiring, rewarding and insightful look at the world through the minds of our most talented young artists.”

The exhibition opens on April, 6 at The Art Gallery of Western Australia and is free to attend.

AGWA’s Associate Curator of Contemporary Art and Curator for The West Australian Pulse 2024, Bahar Sayed joins Bec Bowman on Artbeat.

(Photo: Christophe Canato of  ‘you’re so vanitas’ by Annika Carleton)

The West Australian Pulse 2024


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