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‘White Stick Festival’ To Raise Awareness For Blind & Low Vision Community

Friday the 15th of October marks the celebration of International White Cane Day, which seeks to promote awareness about the blind and low vision community. The event will be supported by the Inaugural White Stick Fest, an online festival featuring collaborations from blind and low vision musical artists.

On The Record presenter Fiona Bartholomaeus is joined in the studio with Buck McFarlane, who is the founder of Cocky Guides; Australia’s leading organisation for small group sensory tourism for blind and low vision travelers.

Together they discuss the origins of the White Stick Festival, how the curation and the involvement of the festival has been like for the performers, and what the collaborative environment was like with other blind or low-vision artists, including what people can expect from the event overall.

On The Record – White Stick Fest 13-10-2021

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