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Woodworker artist, Olive Gill Hille on Artbeat

Olive Gill-Hille is a multidisciplinary artist and designer. Her art aims to create pieces that transform furniture, traditionally static items, into involved and unconventional works of art.

In 2013, Olive moved to Melbourne where she undertook her Bachelor of Fine Art at the Melbourne University, Victorian College of the Arts. It was there she discovered an interest in ‘the utilitarian element of furniture and wanted to apply abstract and artistic concepts to practical objects’. She took this in to gain her Associate Degree of Furniture Design at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Design.

Currently not exhibiting in Perth, Olive is being exclusively represented in Sydney by Gallery Sally Dan-Cuthbert.

Woodworker artist, Olive Gill-Hille chats to Bec Bowman on Artbeat.

(Photo from Olive Gill-Hille Website)

Olive Gill Hille

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