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Madeleine Caffieri

Since I was young, I was obsessed with performing arts, always wanting to entertain the people around me. I’ve found comfort from music, believing it’s the most beautiful art form.


Get to know Madeleine

If you were to go through the archived of my iCloud you would find hundreds of music videos that I would make to all my favourite music. Plus all the interviews I would host as a child, forcing my family members and friends to be interviewed by all my entertaining questions. Growing up I always loved to be in front of a camera and behind a microphone, striving to entertain the people around me (which hasn’t changed at all).

I love presenting because it means I can connect to so many more people then I normally would do in a day. It’s such an amazing feeling to be able to discover new music and then be able to share that with the listeners.

How did you become involved in the station?

I desperately wanted to get involved in radio and was told about RTRFM and how fun it is working here, by my friend one morning. Later that day I saw a car pass me by on the street with a RTRFM sticker on it and instantly thought it was a sign. By the end of that day I applied to become an assistant producer for On the Record and later became a presenter for the show.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

My most memorable gig would have to be a recent one. I went to watch a good friend of mine perform with his band at Amplifier. It was such a fun night cheering him on with our friends as we got to watch for the first time their new single and discover more talented local bands.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

My favourite show apart from On The Record, would have to be Breakfast with Pam. It’s a great way to start my day as I head to work or university, learning what’s happening in the community.

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