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Pick A Pod: Heavyweight & Queerstories with Guest Selector Graeme Watson (Ep 33)

Another month, another opportunity for Taylah and Danae to take the back seat with another round of podcast recommendations from a new guest selector.

For Pick A Pod in the month of June, OutInPerth Managing Editor Graeme Watson brought two of his listening favourites.

We start with a look at Heavyweight, the podcast that answers those seemingly insignificant questions, and big wonders that’ve stuck with people for their entire lives.

Next everyone tries to hold their chortles and snorts in as they hear from Queerstories, an ever-changing lineup of tales and people from the queer community.

You can always keep up to date with Pick A Pod every Tuesday morning on Breakfast with Taylah and listen back to past episodes here.

breakfast – pickapod 8-6-21

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