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Media Diversity Australia: Disability Reporting Handbook

Media Diversity Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation, led by journalists and media professionals. Australia is culturally and linguistically diverse, our media should be too.

Established in 2017, Media Diversity Australia, has a unique role as a champion of cultural diversity in Australian journalism and news media.

Briana Blackett is a senior journalist with extensive global news experience. She was a founding member of Al Jazeera English, spending eight years in the Middle East.

Prior to that, she worked in London for one of the world’s biggest news agencies — Associated Press Television News (APTN) — covering global affairs and specialising in coverage of Asia and the Middle East.

Briana has had blink-and-you-missed-it stints in Federal Politics in Australia and with Greenpeace International in Amsterdam. Briana is the mother of two children with disabilities and currently works with families in the autism community.

Brianna Blackett chats about the new Disability Reporting Handbook with Jeff Bullen.


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