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Keith Rankin on his death’s dynamic shroud.wmv project and the future of pop

death’s dynamic shroud.wmv is a collaborative project between James Webster, Tech Honors and Keith Rankin (known to create music as Giant Claw and operate Orange Milk Records). Typically sampling video game soundtracks in a mixtape-style format, oftentimes with special distortions and modifications made as a result of being bounced off analog recordings.

First releasing music in 2014, Rankin and the group have craft a high-fidelity, experimental sound, forming a distinct sonic and visual aesthetic they personally refer to as “NUWRLD“. 2021 saw the release of of Faith in Persona via their NUWRLD Mixtape Club and epitomises this approach to making and sharing music.

RTRFM’s Emma Lucia hops on Zoom to chat to Rankin about the group and their music, the evolution of pop structures, breathing life into electronic music and more. Listen to the chat below!

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