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Sarah Callaghan for ONE NIGHT ONLY!

Sarah Callaghan is freedom personified; a spoken word artist from London who seems to constantly evolve whilst keeping it authentic.

Callaghan  introduces her latest collaboration with the seductive vocal tones of Ella Therese, an alt-pop singer/songwriter from the west coast, and LUCI, a 5 piece band who bring a funk/indie/jazz twist influence to the music scene here in Perth.”

Sarah Callaghan with Ella Therese and LUCI‘ will perform at Rosemount Hotel, Four5Nine Bar on March 8.

Featuring special guests PERTH SLAM Poets Allan Boyd, Joni Boyd & Saoirse Nash.

Sarah Callaghan is an award-winning comedian and writer, Ella Therese sits down with Danae Gibson on Artbeat to talk about their latest collaboration.

Ella Therese

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