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14 years into his career, Caribou’s Dan Snaith keeps his feet firmly on the dance floor

The ease of modern music software has allowed for the creation of an abundance of average, homogenous, electronic records; but over the last 14 years, Canadian musician Dan Snaith‘s project, Caribou, has consistently stayed above the fray. This year he released a new record Honey that threaded together earworm pop melodies with the immediacy of the house and techno to critical acclaim.

He’s returning to Australia to perform the music of Caribou in a four-piece band, as well as playing a few cheeky DJ sets.

RTRFM’s Matt Perrett caught Dan ahead of January 7 show at Fremantle Arts Centre and picked his brain about his creative process in the studio and when playing live with a band, how he stays in touch with modern dance floors and if his 2024 was busy after releasing Honey.

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