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Say hello to

David Redding

Born in the UK and DJed in a cool Goth club in the 80s. Always loved punk music. Moved to Perth in 2006 and never looked back (except when driving)


Get to know David

I have always loved music and when I was a teenager I went to see so many cool punk bands. I used to DJ in a cool Goth club in the UK. I moved to Perth in 2006 and realised quickly there was only one radio station to listen to. I love listening to new music and unearthing bands old an new.

How did you become involved in the station?

I did the presenter course and after a few overnight shows including a couple of Brain Blood Volume shows 1-4am Sunday! I jumped onto the Rock rattle and Roll for 10 years. I joined the Burn The Airwaves collective in July 2013.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

I saw Crystal Castles in 2012 in Cleveland Ohio and the lead singer Alice Glass decided it would be fun to mace spray the audience and set off the fire extinguishers… Rock and Roll!! Maybe..

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Rock Rattle and Roll

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