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Say hello to

Emma Archer

I owe my love of music to my brother, Joe (who is also at the station).


Get to know Emma

I owe my love of music to my brother, Joe (who is also at the station). There is a pretty big age gap between us, so when he was going through his teenage music snobbery phase, I, as a child, was surrounded with pretty much every release found on a ‘top 500 albums of all time’ list. Once I inherited his 1st gen iPod nano, I had bucketloads of music at my fingertips.

While these early tastes of Nirvana and The Beatles have changed, the place music holds in my heart hasn’t, and my involvement at RTR has been the perfect opportunity to express that, whether I’m playing my favourite hip hop releases on All City or getting carried away talking about the strangest covers I’ve found on Midnight Special. I am so damn lucky.

How did you become involved with the station?

My year 12 media teacher (best woman ever) suggested getting involved. After my brother joined, I finally felt encouraged enough to do the presenter course, and it has been one of the best things I have ever done. RTR now soundtracks my life

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Rhythm Trippin’ or Bass Chec

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