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Planet Perth: The Orange People

What would you do if your town was infiltrated by a controversial movement that would garner cult status?

Author and former Sannyasin Bruce Menzies was a young, educated, family man when he decided to join in.

The Sannyasins, colloquially known as The Orange People for their bright orange clothing, were a group dedicated to Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990).

It’s controversial practices provoked the local communities they occupied, including Fremantle, which became a hub for the guru’s followers.

So how did a global movement make it’s way to Perth? Jeff Bullen finds out in this episode of Planet Perth. He speaks with Bruce, documentary film make Joseph London and journalist Sarah Steele.

Planet Perth is an RTRFM podcast series about the weird, wacky and unexplained history of our eccentric city.

Join Jeff Bullen each fortnight for a deep dive into the events, personalities and bygone icons that have shaped one of the most isolated cities in the world.

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