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Understorey: COP23 Industry Exposé

The latest "Conference of Parties" - COP23 - is convened in Bonn to progress the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.  With the 45th President calling climate change a hoax, and taking the USA out of the climate action process (leaving it now the only nation on earth outside the Agreement), what was there to do for the American delegation except to turn up and extol the benefits of "clean and efficient" fossil fuels?  Understorey presenter Adrian Glamorgan speaks to nuclear-free campaigner Marcus Atkinson, who has just stepped off the plane from Bonn.  Marcus brings an account of the efforts of US pro-nuclear lobby groups to turn COP23 around, offering millions to the United Nations, and employing astroturf "civil society" groups to imitate the methods of climate change NGOs.  (Photos: M. Atkinson) Understorey Marcus Atkinson

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