Get to know Allan
I’ve been making and organising arts stuff around Perth since the ancient mid 1990s. I initiated the popular Openmouth sessions at PICA Bar in 1995 – where we’d pack in over a hundred weird arts-loving punters each month. Combining local indie bands, spoken word poets and experimental artists. I’ve pretty much not stopped since.
Musically, over the years I’ve been in far too many original bands – including MiteyKo, blac blocs, Car Crash Face, Magick Trousers, Living Without Dead Time and Waiting for Broken Trains. I’ve also done solo sonic digital stuff under the guise of BOZO and countless collaborations.
And I’m a poet (aka the antipoet). Mostly a spoken word artist. I organise Perth Slam – a monthly poetry slam event at the Rosemount Hotel. I’ve taught performance poetry and experimental writing at Curtin Uni. And was the inhouse poet at ABC Radio Perth for a couple of years. I founded the Perth Poetry Festival and I’m the WA coordinator of the Australian Poetry Slam.
There is absolutely nothing like the sense of community at RTR. This queer comradery of love and genuine passion for all kinds of arts, music, media. This organic network of beautiful, strange people is infectious. When I contribute content to the station, I know that the listener is sorta, kinda like me. We are a tribe. For a moment. Aurally connected through the airwaves.