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Allstate (Jeremy Martin)

Music lover, DJ, guitarist, average Joe. I’ve loved sharing music for as long as I remember, through playing in bands (Eleventh He Reaches London, Fool The World), DJing, schoolyard mixtapes and RTRFM.


Get to know Allstate

I’ve loved sharing music for as long as I remember, whether through playing in bands (Eleventh He Reaches London, Fool The World), DJing, making mixtapes in primary school and presenting on RTRFM. It’s a joy and a privilege to be able to share my musical discoveries, and to hear those of others.

I began listening to RTRFM in the 90s, firstly Strictly Rhythm with Ben Stinga and Breakfast with Genge, before exploring the rest of the grid. By day, I provide policy advice and manage strategic projects in the public sector.

How did you become involved?

Initially as a volunteer and guest in the mid 2000s, which came about through playing in bands and DJing. After years of sporadic involvement, in 2015 I jumped aboard the Trainwreck collective, before I was fortunate to be able to step into the Tuesday Full Frequency slot in 2016.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

Too many to mention, but these opportunities to support my musical heroes were really special:
DJing a warehouse party with Ben UFO (2012)
Fool The World with death metal legends Nile (Monkey Bar, 2005)
Eleventh He Reaches London with seminal hardcore outfit Converge (Amplifier Bar, 2007)

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Underground Solution,

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