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I love music, food and traveling – I especially love to combine all three. I’ve been known to travel to the far reaches of the earth to see my favourite bands play.


Get to know Blainie

I’ve always been a bit of an ‘indie kid’ I guess, and if asked I would probably say my favourite genre of music was indie pop/rock. I spent a good portion of the late ‘90’s and early 2000’s in my corduroys and converse sneakers dancing the ‘indie shuffle’ in the front row of gigs around Perth. But over the last 10 years or so that has been somewhat overshadowed by my love of all things Alt Country and Americana – I just can’t get enough of that country twang – so I guess being on Middle of Nowhere is the correct spot for me!

The thing I love the most about presenting on RTRFM is that I discover lots of new and interesting music from around the world – which I then get to play to people, and hopefully introduce them to something new as well. Meeting loads of awesome people is a really great bonus too!

In real life, I am an Education Assistant in a Kindergarten – which isn’t the ideal occupation if I’m presenting Up Late – but school holidays help. I play bass when I get the chance. I enjoy cooking, particularly Japanese food. I’m also a big fan of traveling and cats – I love cats.

I’ve played bass in a couple of local bands over the last 20 years, which is something I love and I still try to do as much as possible.

How did you become involved in the station?

Being an RTRFM presenter was something I had always dreamed of doing…

A long time ago when I was about 11 years old, I was flicking through the stations of my radio and I chanced upon some wacky DJ’s on a station called 6UVSFM. They played ‘Blister in the Sun’ by the Violent Femmes and I was equally confused and intrigued. It blew my young mind and I have been listening ever since. Eventually 6UVSFM morphed into RTRFM and when I started playing in bands, I was always hanging around the station.

In 2022 I finally took the plunge and did the Radio Presenting course, and well, here I am!

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

On a warm summer’s evening in 2011, Jason Lytle from American indie rock band Grandaddy played a clandestine gig in the backyard of our North Perth house. With my friends (and friends of friends) watching, I saw Jason play a really special set. It was such a magical night, I don’t even have the words to describe it – If I hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t believe it myself. It was such a Perth community moment – I dont think it would’ve been the same anywhere else in the world.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

I love Siamese Dream, as the ‘90’s was a very influential time music wise for me. Also, Sunday Morning Coming Down. I have always loved that program and as I’m getting older, I enjoy it more and more.

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