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Say hello to

Chris Wheeldon

Politics and local music nerd who tries his best to do his best.


Get to know Chris

I’m the RTRFM Events and Operations Manager who has been involved in the station for close to 20 years as both a volunteer and a staff member. When not at RTRFM he spends time listening to RTRFM and coming up with new ideas for the station in the shower. I’ve presented a fair wack of the shows on the station and you can currently find me on air with Pam on Friday mornings talking about old WA music.

How did you become involved in the station?

I did work experience at RTRFM as a Year 10 cardigan wearing high school student and after going to Uni and seeing the world came back to the station as a volunteer. I have been here ever since.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

To delve into my own ego a little bit one of my favourite gigs I have been involved in was A Moment in Time, which was a event the station put together to say goodbye to the old WA Museum. Local musicians singing and playing classic WA songs alongside the Perth Symphony Orchestra in Hackett Hall just before the museum shut down for a number of years as a Boorla Bardip was set for construction.

Apart from that, Radiohead in Melbourne and Mono in Montreal was pretty sweet.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Underground Solution and Rock Rattle n Roll.

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