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Say hello to

Danielle Raffaele

( She/ Her )

Despite working as a regional journalist at a major news company and teaching dance to teenagers, RTRFM will always be home. Good thing I’m now the content producer!


Get to know Danielle Raffaele

I joined RTRFM as a volunteer in late 2017 while studying Journalism at Notre Dame University, rising bright and early as a news reader and producer under the guidance of former Breakfast host Taylah Strano.

Since then, I have travelled across the North West as a regional journalist for Seven West Media, penning work for The West Australian, The Sunday Times, The North West Telegraph and The Broome Advertiser. I’m thrilled to be back home where it all started, championing new and diverse news, current affairs and culture as RTRFM content producer.

I love being part of the RTRFM community; from answering calls in Radiothon phone rooms, to reviewing books on air and participating in the Recklink Community Cup (Go Newshounds!) there is no place I’d rather be.

When I’m not at the station, I have a book in one hand and a coffee in the other…I also moonlight as a dance teacher.

How did you become involved in the station?

Bored at uni and scrolling through Facebook I saw a callout for local newsreaders…and the rest is history!

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

Attending Courtney Barnett on a cool Saturday night in 2018 (at Metros Fremantle of all places). I love her, she got me through uni and I cried when she walked on stage and started strumming the riff to Homefulessness. It was also amusing to leave because the vibe shift to nightclub was so jarring.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

I love listening to Moorditj Mag! And Middle of Nowhere on an early Sunday morning drive when no one else is around is glorious.

Love music?


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