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DJ Pedro

Born and bred in Aotearoa/New Zealand but have called Boorloo home since 1995. Have been listening to RTR since I first found it while trying to find some decent music to listen to when I first arrived here.


Get to know DJ

I’ve always had a passion for music (probably inherited from my father) and am always listening to music, whether old or new. Currently I have a passion especially for Australian Indigenous music, but also country, soul/blues, reggae and indie. I love having the opportunity to share my passion with RTR listeners and ever since I first heard about the presenters course I knew it was something for me.

I finally took the plunge a couple of years ago and haven’t looked back since. Outside of the station I work in the health profession at SCGH. I lived in the Kimberley for 12 years and lost touch with RTR in that time (this was before the internet and live-streaming was thing) but we soon reconnected when I returned to Boorloo/Perth. I can still remember winning my first album giveaway (Stereophonics “Word Gets Around”) back in 1997 and having to wander around UWA campus to find the station. I never imagined that one day I’d be behind the mic!

How did you become involved in the station?

Started volunteering at the station…Radiothon etc. A friend told me about the presenter’s course. It sounded right up my alley, finally got the courage to apply and…voila! Here I am.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

I’ve been to so many gigs over the years so it’s hard to pick just one, but last week I saw The Mary Wallopers at the Astor theatre and that was pretty memorable (especially having the entire audience singing Dirty Old Town at the end of the concert, a lovely tribute to the late Shane MacGowan)! The last gig you went to is always the most memorable…

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Soulsides, Rocking the Roots, Rock Rattle & Roll

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