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Say hello to

Emma Steele

Born and raised in Perth, I have always loved music and attended as many gigs as I could growing up. I cant play an instrument to save my life, but I love to DJ.


Get to know Emma

I think the freedom to put together two hours of music that you choose, that you know isn’t being played anywhere else. And then getting to chat all about it!

Loving the local rockabilly scene in the early years of the new Millennium, I discovered that drummer Rockin Rhys hosted a local radio show dedicated to the genre.. thats when I started I listening.

How did you become involved in the station?

I’d been DJ’ing around town for a little while. Rock, Rattle & Roll had a few presenters move on, and I was asked if I wanted to join. I had been an avid listener for years, so even as scary as it sounded, I knew it was something for me! Joined in 2021 and love it.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

Seeing Silverchair at Belvoir Amphitheatre, there was a huge rainy thunderstorm and we got absolutely drenched, and it just made the show so amazing with the band embracing it and playing through.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Spoonful of Blues

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