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Kael Driscoll

I am a librarian, DJ, musician, collector, and amateur film critic – but most of all I am a proud RTRFM member and presenter!


Get to know Kael

Presenting on RTRFM allows me to share the music I love with a vibrant community of listeners. I love being a part of the extended RTRFM family and volunteering my time to be involved with the station brings so many rich rewards that I can’t imagine life without it.

I was lucky enough to have an eclectic musical upbringing courtesy of my parents, but I knew I was on to a good thing when I discovered Brian Eno, Jean-Michel Jarre and Gary Numan all by myself. From the age of three I spent many a happy hour in quiet solitude with my portable record player, spinning Oxygene and the soundtrack of Star Wars until the stylus wore out.

After wasting my high school years pretending to be a guitarist, I was taken to a rave by my next door neighbours where discovered a whole new world of musical experience. Although the madness of the dancefloor was a revelation, it was the chill-out rooms and the morning-after-come-downs where I found my true inspiration. Now 30 years later I am recreating some of those hazy memories by trawling through the ambient archives and discovering the new vanguard of spaced-out artists.

How did you become involved in the station?

I joined the Ambient Zone crew in 2011. I had always been an RTRFM listener, tuning into shows such as BPM, Difficult Listening, Auditory Spiral, Full Frequency, Strictly Rhythm, Underground Solution, and of course Ambient Zone. I’d never really thought about being a presenter myself until I just ended up in the right place at the right time and the puzzle pieces all came together almost by magic (thanks to Grant Warner!)

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

So hard to pick just one, so I’ll go with something very recent: Kraftwerk at the Riverside Theatre December 2023! The perfect gestalt of past and future, absolutely flawless.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Underground Solution for sure. There’s so many tracks I’ve heard there for the first time that have ended up in my all time favourites list.

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