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Say hello to

Margie Rita

My name is Margie and I like to party.


Get to know Margie

I love presenting on RTRFM because I love curating music and sharing it with others, and it feels so special to be a part of a community who are all passionate about the same thing.

Outside of the station I throw queer dance parties and attend as many as I can! I also study psychology and teach music to primary school kids.

How did you become involved in the station?

I fell in love with RTRFM when I was 15 and spent a week volunteering here for my high school work experience, I met so many cool people and discovered so much amazing music in that week I knew I would be back.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

Seeing Octo Octa recently in London was a magical moment, she is a huge inspiration of mine and I have loved her music for years. She played vinyl for 5 hours in a sweaty warehouse and the energy was just so beautiful, her selections were sublime.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Full Frequency!

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