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Say hello to

Razanne Al-Abdeli

A passionate journalism student, looking for the next good story


Get to know Razanne Al-Abdeli

Hi there!

My name is Razanne and I’m a journalism and PR student and Curtin University, and newsreader at RTRFM.

I love community, and being a junior journo means I can explore so many beautiful stories our community has, and share them with hundreds of readers too. My favourite story I have covered so far explored how 6 brilliant Perth youth swam 12km for UNICEF, a story I covered on RTRFM too!

Presenting the news to our Perth community with RTRFM specifically, means being able to share local news to local listeners. Perth is wonderful and is compact with news at every corner if you know where to look!

How did you become involved in the station?

I first saw posters of RTRFM on walls of my classroom, sharing the station as community radio and began listening to the station ever since. I thereafter attended a few RTRFM events and expressed interest! And have been at the station writing and reading the news since.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Breakfast with Pam

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