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Say hello to

Tim Walker

When RTR started out, it was called 6UVS-FM, broadcasting from the campus of the University of Western Australia.



Get to know Tim Walker

A group of students thought that non-classical music should have a place in the station’s program selection and formed NCM, from which came Black and Blue, Drastic On Plastic, Folk West, Spoonful of Blues, Vershun Galore, Global Rhythm Pot, Gods of Thunder, Beats Per Minute, Still Dreaming and all the other genre musics that RTR provides. Some are gone, many are still with us (Spoonful, Drastic, Jamdown Vershun).

In real life, besides being a presenter on RTRFM, I’m a Drama and English teacher in a Perth High School.

How did you become involved in the station?

I was a  member of NCM and have been involved with the station since 1977; I was one of the original Vershun Galore Posse (and much respect to the General, who still brings us Reggae on our radio). I have presented various programs over the years and was the coordinator of Spoonful of Blues from 1990 to 2010(surely the longest-running program on RTR, started by Steve Tallis at the end of the ’70’s).

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RTRFM - Infinite Mix