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Say hello to

Tristan Gibbs

Conceived on a Concorde flight to Bahrain and born not long after.


Get to know Tristan

Married into money at an early age and briefly tasted high life but was not favoured by divorce settlement (still embittered). Put myself through college tap-dancing. Moved to US to fulfil dream of winning an award (any award) – eventually won award for slowest skier (v. proud).  Fell foul of strict incest laws in Utah (had married 34th cousin, 5 times removed) so fled by sea to Zanzibar. Worked as stablehand on an Alpaca farm. Retired to the leafy backwoods of Perth, attracted by electromagnetic emanations of the local community radio.

How did you become involved in the station?

Well, we discovered a shared interest in music and just sort of hit it off, I suppose.

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