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Say hello to

Wayne G’Froerer

I have been presenting Saturday Jazz for around four years at RTR and have enjoyed every minute at the station. I am originally from Canada having studied music at the University of BC, performed with the Canadian Chamber Orchestra, National Youth Orchestra of Canada, West Australia Symphony Orchestra and have taught for over 47 years here in Western Australia and New Zealand.


Get to know Wayne G’Froerer

I enjoy presenting Jazz on Saturday morning as this highly creative art form has so much variety and is a discipline which involves the ear, improvisational techniques, style of all types, historical and social importance, hard work for the performer and enthusiasm which keeps this art form alive.

I am retired from teaching in the Dept of Education both here in WA and New Zealand after 42 years and now still relief teach as well as performing on the clarinet and attend international conferences and doing some private teaching.

I used to listen to the original University radio staion and the old Saturday Jazz program and always thought that somehow I would be involved in the radio station in some way.

How did you become involved in the station?

I was taking the week Presenter’s Course at RTR a few years ago and I received a phone call from Warren Kimble, after the 3rd week, who was recruiting new presenters for his baby Saturday Jazz. He wanted me to jump start my Presenter’s broadcasts ASAP so I scrambled in a panic to get two hours of music with commentary.

I had listened to many Jazz programs over the years but sitting on the other side with the microphone presented a big challenge for me. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the past few years at the station and the staff and presenters I’ve gotten to know have been fabulous backups and co-presenters.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

I was in the Canadian Chamber Orchestra, quite a few years ago, at the Banff Festival (Alberta Canada) and spent a fabulous two months in the Rocky Mountains. Being an International Festival many artists come through the Festival each year and one of the concerts was one with Oscar Pederson, virtuoso and jazz legend.

Before the concert he needed to rehearse with a new bass player Dave Young, and Oscar and Dave jammed for 4 hours one afternoon. Luckily we got to witness the rehearsal as eight of my colleagues and myself sat mesmerised as this giant of a man and musician went thorough chart after chart preparing the bass. This impromptu rehearsal and concert following has stuck with me as a beautiful memory.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Global Rhythm Pot.

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