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Say hello to

Zoë Theiadore

I am the owner of too many clothes, and I endeavour to seldom wear the same outfit/combination more than once.

I love a good horror-comedy book, writing poems, dancing, hanging out at the beach and anything sporty!


Get to know Zoë

I’ve been involved in music and theatre arts since I was very little; producing and performing for as long as I can remember, really.

But life happens, whereby I gave up the stage to study, become a mum, work and do all of the ‘grown up’ things… if only I realised sooner that one didn’t negate the other.

How did you become involved in the station?

Initially through radiothon in 2020- I just loved the connection with other listeners while in the phone room. By mid 2022 I was reporting and helping in production for Indymedia; when Ray (the shows main dude), booked his flights to Italy, and I was left in the deep end. To ensure I had all bases covered, I enrolled myself in training, which provided me with the confidence of hosting alone.

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