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Say hello to

Zoe Warwick

I’m a big fan of working with and celebrating clever, brave and kind people who are walking the talk to create meaningful positive change locally and even globally. Our neighbours,artists, scientists, educators and venture capitalists who dedicate funds to them


Get to know Zoe

I first heard RTR when a new housemate who what managed the old underground nightclub jumped up from the kitchen table and went to turn on the radio saying shit the gay show is about to start…we had breakfast and laughed , danced and had some intense conversation way past the program…

How did you become involved in the station?

I started at RTR in 1997 by accident as a guest promoting a show and after the interview I was asked if I’d ever done radio… and would I like to? I had never even thought about it…No costumes, hair and makeup 6 nights a week? Just pure sharing with and for people ? I was in.

I have a business, health, community development, education and live performance background and everyone I met seemed to share similar values to me…integrity, inclusion, innovation and joy. I’d found a place of belonging where my social justice and artisitic bents were shared by others in the RTR logical family.

So I co-presented for a bit sheer queer and make packages for a range of programs . I’ve facilitated strategic planning and change processes.

My experience at RTR made it possible for me to produce / present my own collective in Melbourne for 5 years and to go on to study and teach media with Swinburne University and qualify 60+ volunteers in collaboration with Victoria University.

As a professional media trainer for the national media training body and with Disability advocacy expertise, I was invited to share my skills with RTR in 2021. The result is Breaking Barriers… a n award winning 12 week flexible learner centred podcasting and broadcast learning program for people with additional and complex needs to get equitable access to make content and join the RTR tribe.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

So many. Never been to an RTR gig I didn’t love. Winter music, Neon picnic, Early birds, Day of Disability celebrations…

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

So many. Never been to an RTR gig I didn’t love. Winter music, Neon picnic, Early birds, Day of Disability celebrations…

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

One?!? Drastic on plastic…

Love music?


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