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Parents, Young Children and Digital Media Symposium at ECU Mt Lawley

ECU Professor Lelia Green chats with Fiona Bartholomaeus about the Parents, Young Children and Digital Media Symposium on Thursday 20 February.

The symposium will explore parents’ and young children’s experiences of digital media and screen time in the home and learning environments.

Parents, educators and policy makers are understandably anxious about very young children’s screen time, they’ve heard the recommendations about no screen time under two. Some experts seem to think that screen time can shorten attention span, slow down children’s language development, impact sleep quality, reduce sociability and lead ultimately to obesity – among other risks. And no one seems to talk about benefits! We’ve spent the past 10 years talking to families about their very young children’s screen time use and what they see as the advantages and disadvantages: and there are some of both: it’s complicated. But there are many positives to share that balance the scare stories and the dire warnings — not to mention what Bluey says about digital media use by young children — if you are keen to attend, you can register here. 

See the full list of topics and speakers here.

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