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16 Days in WA: Working toward a future free from domestic abuse with Starick

Monday November 25 marks The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the start of 16 Days in WA, a campaign from the state government for 16 days of activism to to stop family and gender based violence against women.

CEO of Perth-based domestic violence support service Starick Leanne Barron joined Breakfast with Pam to explain how to identify family and domestic violence and what’s needed for a future free from domestic violence.

If you or someone you know needs support you can contact: 

1800RESPECT or Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 

Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline on (08) 9223 1188

Legal Aid Domestic Violence Unit on (08) 9261 6254

Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline on (08) 9223 1199

Centre for Women’s Safety & Wellbeing on (08) 9420 7264

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