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Adam Mitchell on The Snow

“When an epic snowfall imprisons the residents of the tiny village of Kishka, young Thea Sutton proposes the villagers build a catapult to fling her and the village’s bravest and strongest out in search of a solution. The catapult hastily assembled, Thea and the heroes are launched over the snow and into the grandest of adventures. Whimsical and humorous, dark, and mysterious, heartfelt, and sincere, this play weaves a fantastical Grimmsian tale for the entire family.”

Barking Gecko Theatre will be presenting The Snow by Finegan Kruckemeyer at Studio Underground from June 30-July 15.

Barking Gecko Artistic Director, Luke Kerridge said,” This play is a big family adventure. It is fun and imaginative and has a lot to say about the world we live in now.  “It’s a really fun, storytelling piece. It’s sort of a mix of a Grimms fairytale meets Monty Python

Director, Adam Mitchell joins Danae Gibson to discuss what’s ahead.

Adam Mitchell

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