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ARCO Premieres At State Theatre Centre Of WA

The much-anticipated revamp of Adam Kelly’s show titled ARCO’ is prepared to set the stage at the State Theatre Of WA. about living with Autism is here.

Labelled as the primary recipient for the ECU Performing Arts Award at FRINGE WORLD, the play takes a heartfelt look at the life and struggles of someone trying to make connections with the people and world around them whilst living with Autism.

Along the way, Adam asks gently of his audience to consider life from his perspective and encourages them to take a moment to get things off their chest.

On The Record presenters Fiona Bartholomaeus and Danae Gibson is joined in the studio with Adam Kelly and James Berlyn, the artistic creators of the production.

Together they discuss how the two met each other through the dramatic arts industry, including what the audience should expect from the performance.

On The Record – ARCO 29-09-2021

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