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Author, Brett Cole on ‘The Pink Bubble’

When Brett Cole was 17 years old, he was involved in a traumatic incident that would send repercussions into and throughout the rest of his life.

Brett was born  in Queensland and moved to Perth with his parents when he was an infant. Throughout his life he has found purpose in ways to work with and help others.

Starting as a printer in his 20s, he went on to gain a Bachelor of Arts in English and Comparative Literature and Philosophy, before becoming a teacher. He now works as a disability support worker.

In his first book, ‘The Pink Bubble‘ the character of Anton walks in Cole’s shoes, undertaking a ‘thought provoking journey from self-loathing to acceptance, understanding, and finding peace amongst the chaos of life’.

South West Author, Brett Cole joins Bec Bowman on Artbeat to discuss first book, ‘The Pink Bubble‘.

Cole hopes that others may find solace and strength from reading ‘The Pink Bubble’.

Brett Cole

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