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Bookclub with Danielle Raffaele: Theory and Practice

Danielle Raffaele has done the impossible and read all the books that had piled up on her bedside table. What a way to start bookclub this year!

Today, she reviews one of her favourite summer reads, the latest book by Australian author Michelle de Krester called Theory and Practice, an experimental novel that explores in the gap between our attitudes versus our actions.

Young St Kilda student, Cindy, is struggling to complete her postgraduate studies on the late great Virginia Wolf. As her insights into the “Wolf-mother” deepen so too does her struggle with the realities of knowing one intimately, especially when that knowledge grates against a public persona.

This struggle is reflected in her own personal life; as she butts heads with her tutors, enters into a “deconstructed” relationship (affair) with a coupled man and navigates a terse relationship with her grief stricken mother.

Theory and Practice is published by Text Publishing.


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