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Boom: A Failure Story

Today we are talking abut “Boom: a failure story” an original dramedy that explore how far people are willing to go to succeed and why failing is equally just as sweet. Here to give us some more insight into the show we talk Writer and Director, Faisal Hamza, and his lead actress, Esha Jessy, from the university of dramatic society.

The story follows along a young entrepreneur named Aliyah who is misguided in her confidence with such a high determinated mind set for her want for success combined with the anxiety she faces with her fear of failure, Faisal the  goes on to explain how statistically we are all failing at this unrealistic picture of what success is supposed to be and look like ad how its okay to fail even when at times when we are so sure if ourselves and so ambitious which is not a bad thing it can hurt much more when your so passionate and determinated about achieving and succeeding and thus we can be a bit unkind to ourselves if we don’t meet our own definition of success.

Faisal and Esha also explain how its so important that student theatre be represented, shown and be involved with people as its crucial that these voices be heard and celebrated and not alone just seen as a creative outlet.

breakfast boom 7-9-21

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