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Bring Back the Alfa Mist

Back with his third album in four years, London’s Alfa Mist originally discovered jazz through the genre’s ubiquitous samples in hip-hop production. Turning his hand to crafting beats at a young age, Alfa soon grew discontent with merely sampling jazz, and taught himself how to play piano so he could directly play the sounds he heard in his head, rather than find a recording that somewhat matched his vision.

His new album Bring Backs (a recent feature album at RTRFM) shows the intersection of jazz proficiency and composition with the accessibility of head-nod-inducing hip-hop arrangements.

RTRFM’s Will Backler caught up with Alfa to hear all about the new album, why he taught himself how to play, the importance of collaboration, plans for his record label, and a whole lot more and began by asking where the “Mist” in Alfa Mist comes from…

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