FITTER | HAPPIER: LGBTIQ+ Mental Health Challenges
The month of November is all about celebrating the LGBTIQ+, with this weekend closing out the festivities and the Thirtieth Annual Pride Parade in Perth, Western Australia.
Pride WA has continued to promote and encourage the community, culture and artistic expression of all people of diverse sexuality and gender living in WA, furthermore, providing a platform for the celebration and wellbeing of that community, their culture and talent as they continue to champion their rights and freedoms.
On The Record presenter Madeleine Lombardi is joined in the studio with Jane Armstrong, who is a Clinical Nurse Specialist and LGBTIQ+ Project Officer in the Mental Health Division from the Royal Perth Bentley Group.
Together they sit down to discuss the research and real life experiences that have been associated with LGBTIQ+ people, including the increased risk of depression and anxiety, and the stigma surrounding the matter of ‘Deadnaming’.
For More Information, please refer to the following websites: HealthyWA and PrideWA
Fitter | Happier – LGBTIQ+ Mental Health Challenges [25-11-2021]