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FITTER | HAPPIER: Maternal & Perinatal Health

The time during pregnancy and after giving birth is an important time for both the mother and their baby. Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally can help you and your baby to stay healthy during pregnancy and beyond.

Furthermore, by investing in better maternal health, it not only improves a mother’s health and that of her family, but it also increases the number of women in the workforce, promoting the economic well-being of communities and countries.

Today we are joined by Natalie Heard, who is a Nurse Educator with the Statewide Perinatal Infant Mental Health Program, where together they discuss why women experience a range of emotional changes whilst pregnant, including how can women keep themselves physically healthy throughout the process of gestation, and why looking after your emotional health is just as important as looking after your physical health during child-bearing.

For More Information, please refer to the following websites: HealthyWA & Perinatal Mental Health Week

On The Record – Fitter Happier Maternal & Perinatal Health

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