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FITTER | HAPPIER: The Vital Benefits Of Sleep

Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person’s overall health and well-being.

Taking the time to rest up is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day. Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration.

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping – if you’re 30 years old, that’s about 10 years of sleep. Whether it determines how much coffee you need in the morning or the ability to fight back the yawns – a good night’s sleep is vital to our daily routine and our health.

Today we are joined by Dr John McLachlan, who is a Respiratory and Sleep Physician at Fiona Stanley Hospital.

For More Information, please refer to the following websites: HealthyWA and SleepHealthFoundation


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