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FITTER | HAPPIER: Western Australia Mental Health Week

With the advent of Western Australian Mental Health Week being hosted between (9-16 October 2021), it is a crucial time to highlight how important childhood experiences are for life-long resilience, social and emotional well-being.

The event further provides a prime opportunity to address and highlight the important connection between social determinants and mental health; promoting effective prevention strategies to keep people mentally healthy with the surrounding theme incorporating the recognition surrounding how a person’s mental health reflects the interaction of a lifetime of individual/lifestyle factors with a range of environmental, community/family risk factors.

On The Record presenter Madeleine Lombardi is joined in the studio with Jane Armstrong, who is a Clinical Nurse Specialist and LGBTIQ+ Project Officer in the Mental Health Division from the Royal Perth Bentley Group.

Together they converse in conversation around the experiences that can shape the social and emotional well-being of young LGBTIQ+ people growing up, including what the best form of advice is available for those who may be struggling or suffering with their mental health, and why the early years for an adolescent are critically vital for the mental health and well-being of young Australians, including those who are part of the LGBTIQ+ community?

For More Information, please refer to the following websites: HealthyWA and WAMentalHealthWeek

FITTER | HAPPIER – WA Mental Health Week 07-10-2021

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