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John Toohey on ‘Not Dead Yet: New Film Photography’

EarlyWork Gallery presents ‘Not Dead Yet: New Film Photography’

Not Dead Yet‘ looks at different ways film photography can be used through 9 participants (John Austin, Dan Bruyn, Rob Frith, Melissa McDougall, Mark Roy, Jessica Schwientek, Cim Sears, Neil Wallace and John Toohey) capturing contemporary film photography.

John Toohey is an award winning writer with published books and articles on history and photography. He will be showcasing ‘Creatures of the Deep South’.

The exhibition runs from April, 4 to April, 7 with a Public Talk on closing day, featuring an Artist Talk.

Participatin photographer, John Toohey chats with Bec Bowman on Artbeat about the exhibition.

(Promotional Photo via EarlyWork Website)

John Toohey

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