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Local Feature Chat: Lesley and Stew talk Burnt Seed Records

Boorloo record label, Burnt Seed Records, have been keeping West Australian electronica freaky for the past five years.

Running in parallel to an increasingly commercialised and monolithic electronic music scene, the DIY imprint continues to plumb the depths of experimental electronica on Sprouted Seeds Volume 4.001, the fourth edition of their yearly compilation.

The label’s Lesley Kaye and Stew Shepherd join Pam on Brekky for an audio-wander through the compilation.

Burnt Seed Records will be celebrating the release of Sprouted Seeds Volume 4.001 and 4.002 , with a free community event at Hyde Park on February 15 from 3pm.

Find out more and listen to Sprouted Seeds Volume 4.001 via Bandcamp.

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