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Madeleine Blackwell on debut film, ‘DAMAGE’

DAMAGE‘ is an Australian drama about undiscovered connections and how mere humanity can bond us all.

Ali (Ali Al Jenabi) is not a citizen. He drives a taxi using another man’s license and relies on the GPS to negotiate his way around a city he doesn’t know. His passenger, Esther (Imelda Bourke), can’t remember where she is going. She is angry because she has been stripped of everything that is familiar to her and she doesn’t recognise the world anymore. They travel through the night in search of a vague destination while surveillance cameras mark their journey, coldly redacting the human element. What they are left with is their damage – she can’t remember and he cannot forget.

Directed by Madeleine Blackwell.

Madeleine works across a range of theatre and screen projects as a writer and director. She was nominated for an AFI screenwriting award for SO CLOSE TO HOME, which won a Golden Gate Award at the San Francisco Film Festival and a Dendy Award at Sydney Film Festival.

“I have always loved the distilled power of portraiture and through the intensity of two expressive faces this film becomes a portrait of our world at this moment in time”, Madeleine says.

Danae Gibson is joined by Australian Film Director, Writer and Producer, Madeleine Blackwell to discuss her debut film, ‘DAMAGE‘.

Madeleine will be in Boorloo, Perth on March 16 for a special Q&A Screening at Luna Palace Cinemas.

Madeleine Blackwell

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